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Terms & Conditions

Legal Guidelines for Your Website

At Physioconversation, we understand the importance of establishing clear legal boundaries for website visitors and customers. Our guidelines provide general insights on creating Terms & Conditions (T&C) for your website. It's crucial to seek professional legal advice to tailor T&C to your specific business needs and ensure legal compliance.

Defining the Legal Relationship

T&C play a pivotal role in defining the legal relationship between website visitors and the site owner. These legally binding terms set the framework for visitor activities and interactions with the website. The nature of T&C varies based on the website's offerings, whether it involves e-commerce transactions or informational content like a blog or landing page.

Key Elements of T&C

The core aspects covered in T&C encompass permissions for website usage, accepted payment methods, provisions for future offering changes, warranties, intellectual property rights, account suspension or termination, and more. For a comprehensive understanding, explore our article on 'Creating a Terms and Conditions Policy'.

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